ER Doc Advisor - Financial Planning & Taxes for Emergency Physicians

EP 20: Tax-Time! Deductions and Deadlines for ER Docs

Taxes are a pain. Ripe for procrastination. Rightfully so; there are so many areas to trip up on when there are over 70,000 pages of tax code!

New legislation this year—more to come next year: we go over the most relevant areas of consideration for ER Docs. We’d hate for you to miss a deduction or a deadline, so tune in! And like everything that you don’t specialize in, it’s usually in your best interest to get help.

Topics Discussed:
  • Top tax questions that we get from ER doctors.
  • Misconceptions about taxes.
  • How to track charitable donations.
  • How deductions on cars work.
  • What tax bunching is.
  • Tax deadlines to be aware of.

Resources Mentioned:  


financial plan, ER, ER doctor, physicians, Finances, Jonny McMullen, Scott Wisniewski, Deadlines, Taxes, Deductions